Münchner Elternabend Medien 2019
Workshops, Vorträge, Infostände, Kinderangebote für Eltern, Kinder, pädagogisch Verantwortliche
Dienstag, 15. Oktober 2019, 17:00 bis 20:30 Uhr
Kongresshalle in der Alten Messe, Theresienhöhe 15, 80339 München
FabLab München e.V. and Gymnasium Neubiberg presented the work on Make in Class at Alte Kongresshalle during Elternabend Medien yesterday – around 180 teacher, educator, parents and kids could experience what maker projects can be done during lessons – coding, 3D modelling, soldering, lasercutting … for 4 hours we set up a little maker space where people could work hands on and ask questions. All of them really excited about the possibilities, several of them wanting to set up a maker space in the near future at their school too, or asking for cooperation.